Women's Committe (2024-2025)

The aim is to set up gender sensitive campus by creating a supportive and inclusive environment that fosters the growth, well-being, and advancement of women in various spheres of life. The university has established the WDC (Women’s Development Centre) to tackle issues related to gender discrimination and to propose strategies and policies promoting gender equality within the university. Following the enactment of the Sexual Harassment Act in 2013 and the implementation of the UGC Guidelines in 2015, the University has established the Campus Internal Committee to handle complaints of sexual harassment. Additionally, University has directed all affiliated/conducted colleges and institutions to form their respective College Internal Committees.

Sr.No.Name of Member’sDesignationStatus
1Mrs. Bhuran R. R.LecturerChairman
2Ms. Mahadik D. M.LecturerMember-Secretary
3Mrs.Shinde S. M.LecturerMember
4Ms. Vasave A. D.LecturerMember
5Ms. Bagave S. S.Lab Asst.Member
6Mrs. Chavan N. N.LibrarianMember
7Ms. Kajare S. G.ClerkMember
8Ms. Bhoir C. D.Girls RepresentativeMember