Institute Level Grievance Redressal Committee

At Institute, we prioritize a fair and transparent grievance redressal mechanism to address concerns of students, faculty, and staff. The Institute Level Grievance Redressal Committee (IGRC) ensures that all complaints are handled promptly and effectively while maintaining confidentiality and impartiality.

Objectives of IGRC:

  • To provide a structured and transparent system for resolving grievances.
  • To ensure a fair and impartial hearing of complaints.
  • To foster a harmonious academic environment.
  • To uphold the dignity and rights of all individuals.

Grievance Redressal Procedure:

  1. Submission of Complaint – Students or staff can submit their grievances in writing or through the official grievance portal.
  2. Review & Acknowledgment – The committee reviews the complaint and acknowledges receipt.
  3. Investigation – A thorough inquiry is conducted to understand the issue.
  4. Resolution – The committee suggests appropriate corrective actions.
  5. Final Decision – The resolution is communicated to the complainant, ensuring fair treatment.
Sr.NoName of the MemberCommittee ChargeDesignation
1Mr. Sanjay Gulabrao DesaiChairpersonPrincipal
2Dr. Sharvari DhepeMemberAssistant Director RO Mumbai
3Mr. Navdev MatolkarMemberAssistant Secretory (T) RBTE Mumbai
4Mrs. Ruchi Rohit BhuranMember SecretoryLecturer