Industrial visit to phytopharma

Industrial visit to phytopharma

Objective: To provide students with a firsthand experience of pharmaceutical production processes, quality control measures, and the integration of technology in the pharmaceutical industry.


  1. Introduction to Phytopharma:
    • Welcome address by the company representative.
    • Overview of Phytopharma’s history, mission, and key achievements.
  2. Presentation on Pharmaceutical Manufacturing:
    • In-depth presentation on the various stages of pharmaceutical manufacturing, from raw material procurement to final product packaging.
    • Explanation of the technologies and equipment used in the production process.
  3. Factory Tour:
    • Dividing students into smaller groups for a guided tour of the manufacturing facility.
    • Visiting different production areas, including:
      • Raw material storage and handling.
      • Manufacturing units for tablets, capsules, and liquids.
      • Quality control and assurance laboratories.
      • Packaging units.
  4. Interaction with Production Team:
    • Q&A session with the production team to understand their roles and responsibilities.
    • Insights into the challenges and innovations in pharmaceutical manufacturing.
  5. Quality Control Demonstration:
    • Practical demonstration of quality control procedures and tests conducted on pharmaceutical products.
    • Explanation of how adherence to quality standards is ensured.
  6. Technology Showcase:
    • Overview of the latest technologies used in pharmaceutical manufacturing.
    • Showcase of automated systems, robotics, and other technological advancements.
  7. Safety Protocols and Regulations:
    • Presentation on the safety protocols followed in the pharmaceutical industry.
    • Discussion on adherence to local and international regulations.
  8. Networking Session:
    • Informal networking with Phytopharma professionals, allowing students to ask questions and build connections.
  9. Feedback Session:
    • Gathering feedback from students on their learnings and experiences during the visit.
    • Suggestions for improvement and areas of interest for future industrial visits.
  10. Closing Remarks:
    • Thanking Phytopharma for hosting the visit.
    • Expressing gratitude to the staff and professionals who contributed to the educational experience.

Post-Visit Actions:

  • Students to submit a report on their observations and insights gained during the visit.
  • Follow-up discussions or seminars at the college to reinforce key learnings.

This plan is a general guideline, and specific details can be tailored based on the focus areas and interests of the students and the policies of Phytopharma. Always coordinate with the company in advance to ensure a smooth and educational visit.

  • Date : 11 March 2023 - 12 March 2023
  • Time : 11:00 am - 3:00 pm (Asia/Kolkata)
  • Venue : Kolhapur


Mr. Sanjay Desai